Survival of the Friendliest by Dr. Luke Schmelzle DC
Personal connections have a direct effect on overall health and wellness. All the research supports this reality, and the ongoing quarantine has clearly proven how important it is for human beings to maintain close personal relationships in order to stay healthy.
Author Lydia Denworth, in her new book, Friendship: The Evolution, Biology, and Extraordinary Power of Life’s Fundamental Bond, makes the case that if people understood fully how important personal relationships are to their health then they would take them just as seriously as they do exercise and nutrition.

find your happy spot
Here at Tail of the Sun Network Chiropractic Care, we understand that health and wellness is a comprehensive all-inclusive approach to be worked on at a fundamental level, rather than addressing symptoms as superficial short fixes. As we strive for resiliency in our lives and more importantly in our bodies and health, moving from pain to wellness is a much richer lifestyle. Resilience is a vital state of being. Each heartbeat should be unique, not a copy of the previous string of heartbeats. Variability and resiliency go hand in hand. At Tail of the Sun, we routinely measure Heart Rate Variability as a dynamic metric for balance in the central nervous system.
There are no short fixes at Tail of the Sun, so no matter what challenge you’re experiencing, on a personal or physical level, come sit down with me, Dr. Luke, for a wellness consultation to start down a new path towards long term pain free physical and emotional health. Interested in having your Heart Rate Variability measured? This along with other valuable information, can be learned by scheduling a comprehensive examination.
(Dr. Luke is owner of Tail of the Sun in Ashland. 541-816-1911.)