Tail of the Sun Blog

Thoughts on healthcare and healing.
Lymphatic Drainage for Better Health

Lymphatic Drainage for Better Health

Shifting Your Lymphatic System for Better Health By Luke Schmelzle, DC   When your body is in harmony and balance, it naturally heals itself. The lymphatic system is a key body system for maintaining healthy circulation and clearing wastes. Lymphatic imbalance...

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction & 5 Tips To Improve It by Dr Luke Schmezle DC The pelvic floor is the foundation of your internal core. It is comprised of a series of muscles stretching from the tailbone to the pubic bone. This creates the base of support for your pelvic...

A Link Between Posture and Depression

A Link Between Posture and Depression

New Research points to a link between posture and the treatment of depression. Maybe your mother was right when she constantly told you to stand up straight and to sit up straight. Depression is a significant variable worldwide. The World Health Organization reports...

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