Tail of the Sun Blog

Thoughts on healthcare and healing.
Top 6 Tips If Meditation is a Struggle

Top 6 Tips If Meditation is a Struggle

by Dr Luke of Tail of the Sun We live in a fast-paced world. We need new strategies in our nervous system to manage all the stimulation and to reduce the binding of stress energy into our bodies. Meditation is one of today’s most effective tools for managing stress,...

8 Common Habits That May Be Stressing You Out

8 Common Habits That May Be Stressing You Out

(And What to Do About it) by Dr Luke Schmelzle "Stressed man sketch clip art"/ CC0 1.0 It doesn’t take much discernment to recognize the “big” stressors in our lives. Politics, relationship troubles, employment stress, paying bills… With the turmoil across the globe...

Resetting the Vagus Nerve

Resetting the Vagus Nerve

Resetting the Vagus Nerve By Dr Luke Schmelzle DC of Tail of the Sun The internet is ablaze with articles and videos about the vagus nerve, the issues involved, and lots of suggestions on how to “reset” it. Because the vagus nerve is heavily involved with chronic...

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