Kick Up Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment

Written by Dr. Luke

December 10, 2018

Restless Leg Syndrome is No Joke!

Approximately 7-10% of the population suffers from Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), aka Willis-Ekbom Disease. RLS typically occurs while sitting or lying down. It generally worsens with age and can disrupt sleep. The main symptom is a nearly irresistible urge to move the legs. Getting up and moving around helps the unpleasant feeling temporarily go away. It is generally considered to be incurable and chronic.

RLS is caused by a buildup of sympathetic tone in the nervous system. It is a side effect of drugs such as anti-nausea, anti-psychotic, anti-depressants, cold and allergy medications, and more. It may appear during pregnancy, and for those suffering from various forms of renal disease.

For non-pharmacologic treatment, I recommend the following restless leg syndrome treatment options:

  1. Liberate the sympathetic tone held in the nervous system by utilizing Network Care. Mindfulness activities and meditation are also great when paired with Network Care.
  2. Get moving. Moderate exercise has been shown to be beneficial. Massage and warm baths may help, too.
  3. Be sure to have a balance in the body with probiotics, iron levels, and vitamin D, to name a few. Even yellow mustard may help.
  4. Avoid triggers that aggravate. Common triggers include alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine.

Restless Leg Syndrome is a perplexing condition. However, a variety of treatment options can greatly reduce the unwanted effects and calm down the legs for more restful sleep. For more information about Network Care, give me a call at 541-816-1911.

restless legs

restless legs while resting

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