Feeling something in one’s bones is a common idiom. We use this phrase to speak of a truth that we know deep inside of ourselves. I really like this idea.
As I studied the human body in medical school, many of my preconceived notions were challenged. Regarding the bones, for example, I thought of them as being hard, dense, fixed, unchanging, and almost lifeless. I thought of bone deterioration or addition as irreversible. But the wisdom of the body is greater than my limited conceptions.
In a new study, researchers in Germany report finding a previously undetected network of fine blood vessels that act like a secret tunneling system inside bone, helping blood and immune cells spread efficiently and rapidly throughout the body. These tiny canals, called ‘trans-cortical vessels’ (TCVs), may be new to science, but they help explain how emergency drug infusions first pioneered on the battlefield were able to rapidly revive injured soldiers. According to the researchers, a mouse tibia can contain more than 1,000 of these small capillaries, and amazingly enough, the team says over 80 percent of arterial and 59 percent of venous blood passes through the channels. There is so much more going on within our bones than previously imagined. (The research findings were reported in Nature Metabolism.)
I now think of the human body from a quantum perspective. Our bones, for example, while incredibly hard and rigid, are also very dynamic and constantly changing and adapting. Our bones are fundamental to the deepest parts of ourselves. In the work I do, I promote changes in the body systems, from the inside-out. I know this to be true and “I feel it in my bones.”
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