Healing With Breath, Movement, and Touch

Written by Dr. Luke

January 22, 2020

Healing with Breath, Movement, and Touch by Dr. Luke Schmelzle

yoga pose with movement

movement and breath are essential to good health

Breath, movement, and touch are interconnected. We naturally hold our breath when are distressed and breath more deeply and fully when relaxed. While we may be able to lie to ourselves through thoughts and words, we cannot hide the truth from our touch, our breath, or our movement.

When we are not well, our nervous system holds onto a dominant defense pattern. In our bodies, dysfunction and pathology hang out in the least available areas. This defensive pattern, in its attempt to wall off any further damage, creates a disconnect in the mind-body awareness.

The good news is that we can change. We can move away from pain, and then progress toward greater consciousness. Healing is available through breath, movement, and touch. I would love to speak with you in greater depth about how I can assist you on your road to healing. Call 541-816-1911.

Check out the services offered at Tail of the Sun.

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