start the day off right
5 Morning Habits of Successful People to Start Your Day Off Right
By Dr. Luke Schmelzle
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle
Does your day start out rushed, with a mad frenzy, or does it have a relaxed rhythm that carries over into the day? The tone of your morning will determine the tone of your day, so it’s time to start planning accordingly.
The habits you cultivate in the morning influence how you feel, act, and think during the rest of your day. Here are 5 simple habits that you can add into your morning routine now, to ensure that you are at your best.
1. Stay Unplugged
Starting the day by checking your phone for messages, social media or work email immediately cultivates a reactive mindset, instead of a proactive one. Instead, remain detached from technology for the first hour of your day so you can begin your day with greater presence.
2. Practice Gratitude
Smiling and vocalizing gratitude signals your brain to release the feel-good neurotransmitters (dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin), which lift your mood, relax your body, and lower your heart rate. There is a growing body of research pointing out the physiological benefits of gratitude, laughter, and positive comments.
3. Meditate/Pray
A few minutes of meditation/prayer can make a tremendous difference in your life. It connects you to a greater sense of power and purpose. It allows you to set the tone of your intentions for the day’s activities. It helps you to be more open to handle the unexpected. Create a dedicated space and time for this vital activity.
4. Exercise
Whether it’s a simple yoga routine, a brisk walk with your pet, a quick set of sit-ups and push-ups, or hitting the gym, you cannot go wrong with movement in the morning. “Motion is lotion.”
5. Eat a Healthy Breakfast
You’ve most likely heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Take the time to eat a meal that is healthy and tasty. You will start the day with a high level of energy and vitality. Begin each day with a great start!